Saturday, January 8, 2011

Part 15- its my life

sorry i couldnt continue writing the last post and it was short..
and thanks to your amazing comments you motivated me to write a post ;D

This post is dedicated to all my wonderful readers..

so reem went back to the girls and sager went back to his friends...
awal ma reem g3adat the girls showered her with questions

jazzi: ambai ta3awrtay? sh9aar?
dalal: omg he is soo cute.. 
razzan: akeed he gave u his number?? *wiggiling her eyebrows*
fajour: kaaak you were cleaning his shirt oo ma ististaw3abtay..hehehe

reem: mani rada 3ala walla wa7da feekom..... bs ubai, ubai fashlaa misa7t his shirt chan astaw3ib ow wayhy golab alwan oo ohwa ga3ad yith7ak.. ee oo ba3ad galy intay ib gust ive noticed you a couple of times.. ya3ny shno he has a thing for mee... omg omg omg oo ba3ad kan bya36eeny his number lana he says that he is with iti7ad il 6alaba at uni bs my phone wasnt with me *she looked up and smiled a devilish smile* bs tara he is soo hot omg he has strong abs and a well built body..
dalal: yaaay 3ayal i want his twin.. *dalal said sarcastically while joking*
reems face was suprised and confused: ay twin??
razzan: weeh ma daraitay dalools guy is your guys twin.. walla they look very similar i think they are twins..

reem turned around to see dalals guy 3essa and her guy 9ager..

reem: omg 7adhoom yishbihoom ba3ath.. akeed they are twins..

the girls went back to eating and gossiping..

fajour: haha.. i7na madry shfeena ilyom fa9leen..hehee
jazzi: hehe ee lanna mn zeman moo 6al3een kilina..
razzan: inzain yalla 5ala9taw lana il wakt ta2a5ar.... oo marzoog ga3ad iygool yalla ridaw ta2a5ar il wakt...
dalal: oooh...hahaha razzoon ilyom intay sayra il 3ajla moo jazzi aw fajour..
reem: heheheee omg thats so true...
razzan: hehe chub..
jazzi: wait isa3a cham??........ oh my god il7een isa3a 10:13 sarlina 2 hours... yalla yalla imshaw lets go to the chalet..
fajour: ee yalla ba3ad ana di5t ilyom ga3da imbacher..
dalal: laaa2 reem has to get her guys number before we leave..hehehe *joking*
reem: and dalal has to take her guys number... *moving her eyebrows up and down*
dalal: noo i didnt even talk to him but you did.. and he wanted to give you his number ya 7marra *joking*
reem: 3ad t9adgeen i want his number 7adda hot...hahah *joking*
dalal: go get it girl.. *joking*
fajour: inshalla t5al9oon gargatkom hathi... yalla lets go..
reem: laa2 me and dalal didnt get anything from them..
jazzi: were going to the car now..
razzan: ee yalla..
reem: fine but if were really ment to be destiny will bring us together again..
dalal: hehe im sure thats gonna happen ;pthe girls got up headed to the car.. when they got in the car and got ready to go to the chalet dalal realized that she forgot her phone back at the table.. so she rushed to the door and found the 3essa "her guy" by the door while the rest of the guys were out heading to the car..
3essa stopped her by grabbing her hand gently before she enters mcdonals..  she was scared but at the same time there were butterfliez in her stomach doing back flips.. she couldnt help but wonder what he might want from her... she knew he was not a 3gaidy guy from the way he looked..
3essa: law sama7tay..
dalal: na3am?
3essa: you forgot your phone there..
and he handed it over to her and their hands brushed giving dalal a tingling feeling..
dalal: thanks.. *blushing.. omg i cant stop staring at his eyes and notice how cute and small they are.. waaaay 7adda iyshaweeg... weeh inshalla ma atani7 ib wayha chithy... uf yalla say something..*
3essa laughed: wallaw ma sawait shay.. bs marra thanya dery balich la t'thay3eena yimken iy6ee7 ib eed wa7id ma yisti7y 3ala wayha..*wink*
dalal: inshalla mashkoor..
3essa: ana 3essa...
dalal: ana dalal
3essa: 3ashat il asamy..

so they both said goodbye and each headed their own way..

dalal literally ran to the car and once she got in..

reem: OMG WHAT?  *reem shouted at the top of her lungs*
razzan: geez reem we still dont know what she is excited about and your already excited.. lets hear what you got.. hehe
dalal: thanks razzan anyways you wont guess who i just bumped into??
jazzi: waaay dalool stop asking us questions and just spill NOW...
dalal: fine fine.. i was just trying to make it sound more exciting..
fajour: more exciting then it already is...
dalal: waay bas 5ala9 chub and listen..
reem and fajour: inshalla 3amity
dalal: thanks.. so where was i.... oh yeah 
and she told them what happend with 3essa from A-Z..
reem: malat 3alaich what happed to me with 9ager is more exciting..
dalal: chub yalla zain.. 3essa is hotter then 9ager..
reem: no he aint.. * moving her head from side to side*
razzan: waaay there both look exactly the same... oh yeah and marzoogy is hotter teh both of them..
reem: oh no he aint..
razzan: yeah he is.. omg dalool didnt he ask for your number..
dalool: no
fajour: im sure he saved his number in ur phone.. after all he had it..
jazzi: omg omg omg check ur contacts and see if his name is there..

so dalal checked all her contacts from the letter a to z and found....................

nothing... hehe

dalal: hmmph.. maku shay..
fajour: and why are you disapointed *moving her eyebrows up and down and giving me a smile ily i know what your thinking*
well her thoughts were right i was kind of disapointed ina maku shay ya3ny he is cute and all and he seems like a nice guy... but i still dont think that i would give him a chance after jassim unless he proposes..

comments please im not posting another post unless i get at least 8 comments... SO NO POST UNTIL I SEE 8 COMMENTS..hehe

oo tell me what u think and if u have any questions id be more then happy to answer them all;p
oh yeah and 6awfaw my mistakes lana i wrote it without re-checking it.. i always do that..

love you all;**


  1. Lovee it! allaa wansa they get twnins!:)
    love uu:* and post soon:*

  2. I LoVeD It!!!<3<3
    ofcourse it is nice!!^_^

    but too short:(
    StiLL LiKeD iT ;)

    KeEp It FlYinG ^^ <3

    Towphie S

  3. ^ "but too short"
    but still this post u wrote more than the last one!


    Towphie S

  4. Halla Noona,
    i am a new reader,and i like the way you write your story.

    love your story <3

    Post soon . . }
    Keep it up^

    Shoshe ^_^

  5. Noodie: thanks 7ayatie;*

    Manoosh: they might get the
    7abeebti thanks love you more;*

    Towphie: thanks 7abeebti.. inshalla il try to make my posts longer 3ashanich;*

    shoshe: halla walla ib shoshe;p mashkoura 7abeebti walla..
    inshalla il post soon..

  6. i read it bas didn't comment i dunno why though...

    anyways please post soon (:

  7. i read bs i dont comment
    love the story

    Post soon <3

  8. Twni agra ur blog
    3li ynarfzniiiiiii wdy a96ra!!
    I hope he duznt ruin it for dalal & essaa <3

    Post sooon x

  9. cashmere.poison: thanks love.. the post will be up soon;p

    Madliar: please comment whenever you can 3ashan i get motivated to write more;p post will be up soon;D

    Dreams:*: 7abeebti thanks the story loves u more;p but whenever u get a chance to comment please do..

    latifa: lool be my guest ta3alay 9i6rei.. but remember there is still nothing between dalal & 3essa;p
    post is gonna be up soon;D
