Friday, October 29, 2010

Sick ;(

im sick oo i havent been home for the past 2 days oo 7addy ta3banna oo maly 5ilg i write anything today.... waaaay i feel so lazy and tired... my throat hurts, my nose is supper runny, i also have alllergies and i feel so exhausted..

so im posting another part of the story if i feel better tomorrow..
thanks lovey readers love you all ;*

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Part 2- its my life

Soo shlonkoom??
hope u liked the prvious post;p

oh yeah and check out this story mashalla wayed 7ilwa and it would also be great if you would follow her blog. and comment so she continues.;p




wi9alna baithom dashaina, ba3dain salamna 3ala omha, 5alat'ha oo i5tha.

ana ga3at in the corner of the living room on a single couch oo min mokany kint agdar ashoof il stair case oo the other living room. omy g3adat on the couch thats for two right next to the couch i was sitting on oo 5awaty yamha as for 3amity ra7at g3adat yam om dalal as they were friends oo yam 5alatha oo i5t'ha.

ga3adna about 10 minuites chan alma7 shay yanzil the stair case lafait wayhy chan ashoof wa7da labsa black dress oo heals. i thought that must be dalal, but suddenly she ran back up stairs. 3ad walla 5ari3atny 5ift inha it6ee7. hmm 3ayal akeed hathy moo dalal.

iff yalla mita ityee many mista7mil hal ga3da killha 7areem. shno hal 9oot ily iy6ag6eg. ooh hathy nafsha nzalat mara thanya. bs hal marra tiyamidat ib ni9 il daray chan itlif oo ti93ad mara thanya. haa2. shfeeha hathy. a9lan mno hathy.... yimken refejat dalal yaya it6il 3ashan ba3dain ti93ad fog oo itgool 7ag dalal mno mawjood. la2 la2 walla ma atwa8a3, a9a9an ma 6alat bl 9alla oo ma iybayen mn il daray ya3ny bas ana agdar ashoof.

om m7amad: yumma m7amad shfeek sara7t 5altik ga3ad it7acheek.

haa meta ma sima3t.

m7amad: ha laa2 ma sara7t.

5alti fa6ma(om dalal): m7amad int wain gilt tishti'3il?

m7amad: ib sharikat flan al flani malat il da3ayat.

5alti fa6ma: ee hathaila in3arifhoom. refejat dalal 3amha ily yamlik il sharika. walla 5osh nass.

i smiled ba3dain il 7areem bidaw iysolfoon mara thanya oo ana iltifat 3al stair case but this time there were 2 girls draging the girl that keept going up and down. haa2 shilsalfa mno hathail. kaaaak iytha7koon walla hathy ily labsa dress akeed dalal.... sawatly filim 3ala ma tanzil. zain 3al a8al wanisatny. walla hathy il g9eera il imtabtiba mazyoona bs miteena.... beeh ana shga3ad a5arbi6l. awal ma il banat inzalaw il imtabtiba oo il shagra salimaw 3ala ily labsa dress aa ra7aw. 3ayal akeed hathy dalal. faj2a dalal ra7at 3ind il entrance mal il sala oo in5ashat oo gamat it6il.. haa2 shfeeha.

5alti fa6ma: dalal shfeech wagfa ta3alay.

kaaak maskeena omha fashilatha. bas shoof 5doodha shlon 7amiraw. walla it'tha7ik oo shakilha itwanes, ya7lailha.

yat awal shay salimat 3ala 3amity lana kanat ga3da yam omha chan ityee 9obna oo salimat 3ala omy ba3dain yat itsalim 3alal 5awaty...


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay laaa2 mama. lazm itfashilny. waay a7is 7ar oo im so sure 5doody sarat 7amra. i could feel heat radiating from my checks.
awal shay salamt 3ala 3amat m7amad lana ihya rifejat omy oo kanat ga3da yamha. chan alif oo aroo7 9oob omah. ri7t salamt 3ala omah oo ba3dain his 2 sisters oo yom ri7tla 3ashan i shake hands with him i gasped oo my eyes were wide open.........

should i continue or leave u off like this...... 

hmm la2 il post bacher goodnight.....

hehe just kidding im not that crule.

oob ob shfeeha hathy tani7at. chinha shayfa yiny.... eee kaaaak walla maskeena. gamat it6ali3ny oo itlif o it6ali3 il daray........ eee darat ina kanat itbayen yom tanzil oo ti93ad.. hahahaaay fa i nodded inaa tara shiftich.

weee omg umbaaaai ma liga ila yig3ad bl mokan il wa7eed ily bl 9alla ily iybayen il daray... waaay laa2 akeed shafny wanna a93ad oo anzill. he smilled oo he nodded ya3ny shafy......... ifff gal3ity... 
shafny frozen chan iymid eda and we shook hands.

m7amad: salam shlonich dalal?

dalal: zaina il7amdilla.

haa2 shfeeha imchalba ib iydeey.

off why are we still holding hands..... heeh ana shfeeny imchalba ib ed il isbay...

i let go of his hand and headed to wear my mum was sitting and sat between her and my sister.

gimna kilina insolif solwalif 3adiya... well ohma iysolfoon i only answered their questions and so did he. until my mum called me and said

mama: dalal roo7ay gi3day ma3a m7amad bl 9ala il thanya aw roo7aw timashaw bara bl garden.

om m7amad: ee walla 5al ya5thoon ra7athom bl kalam.

laa2 yumma maby...
dalal: inshalla... um tifathal m7amad

on the way to the other 9alla

m7amad: ma sa2altini itha aby ag3ad da5il willa bl garden bara....

weeeh i hope u want the 9alla.

dalal: wain taby tig3ad bl 9ala wila bl garden.

m7amad: 3alla ra7tich
and i smilled.

waaay moo wagtik
dalal: ana aby ag3ad da5il.

m7amad: oh.. 3ad ana kint aby ag3ad bara....

shfeeh hatha yista3bi6...... hehehe i have a plan basawy mithla basta3bi6 3alaih.

dalal: ok yalla goom.
and just like that i walked out of the 9alla before he could talk.

kaak mn 9ijha 9adigat hathy..

6ala3na bara mn the front door without mama noticing us...

6ala3na 3ind il garden oo kan akoo ga3ditain wa7da yam the pool oo wa7da thanya on the other side. ri7na the other side moo ily yam il pool. oo there were 4 chairs and a table and there was a chair that was by itself on the side near the flowers.

just as m7amad was about to sit down i continued walking to the chair that was near the flowers and he followed me...

haa2 shfeeha wain ibnig3ad hnak. ooh akoo kirsy. bs wain il thany bas akoo wa7id.

once we got there ga3at.

m7amad: how thoughtfull of you ana wain ag3ad, ib 7ithnich mathalan.hahaha

dalal: wee nisait 3anik. sorry.
hehehe 3ashan mara thanya ma tista3bi6 3aly.

hehehe ya7lailha walla gamat tista3bi6 3alay mithal ma ana sawait feha.

so we went to the ga3da and sat down.

m7amad: dalal..

dalal: na3am?

m7amad: 3ady as2alich soo2al oo itjawbeeny ib kil sara7a.

allah yastir shno hal soo2al
dalal: il ohoo??

hahaha 6a3 wayha shlon shakilha mi5tar3a
m7amad: hmm. laish kintay tanzileen oo ti93ideen il daray. shno ya3ny kintay itsaween riyatha.

dalal: haa... laa2.. umm. ana.. ana kint... shiysamoona nasya shay.

maskeena bas 5ala9 yanant'ha.
m7amad: eee. so shlonich??

the rest of the talk was normal ga3adna insolif and got to know each other lain ma il 7areem yaw bara and m7amads family excused themslves.


ya7lailha walla itwanees... oo mashalla wayed 7ilwa.


hmm he's not that bad. mazyoon and he seems really nice. he is tall mashalla and his facial features were also nice he had typical kuwaiti features and he was very fit. you could say hes mazyoon.

mama: ha mama shrayech feeh?

dalal: madry yumma. hes nice....
and i blushed a little

mama: 3ady 7abeebti take your time. bs naby jawab in 1 or 2 weeks

ga3at bl 9alla ma3a omy oo dana and her kids oo 5alty maha. until my dad arrived home and later my brother 3azooz came and joined us. ga3dana insolif.

5alti maha: weeh 3laiwi ta2a5ar waina. bacher waray ga3da min il 9ib7.

3azooz: 5alti tabeeni awa9lich??

5alti maha: laa2 mashkoor 7abeebi bs 3lawi gal biyeeny. il7een adig 3alaih ashoof wayna.

5alti maha was very close to us. and her son 3ali is also very close to us he is like my guy best friend i tell him everything and so does he. from my mums side of the famly me and 3azooz are very close to my cousins 3ali, fai9al, fahad, rakan, fajer who is fai9als sister and reem who is rakans sister. we were very close that they even knew my best friends jazzi and razzona we go out all together every 2 weeks or so.

ga3adna insolif again chan 3azooz iyeeny and whispers: dalool ta3alay bagoolich shay.

we went to the upstairs living room.


inshalla u liked it.
please comment and tell me what you think..

Monday, October 25, 2010

Part 1- its my life

hii guys.. shlonkom??
inshalla im starting this story i have been thinking about for a while... and this is going to be the first post of the story... so tell me what you think of it and please i would appriciate it if i would get feedback about the story... if i dont get much feedback and followers in a while i might not continue the story and just continue writing random posts...
thanks oo inshalla ta3jibkom il story;p

it is NOT a real story.

it was 2 pm and dalal was still peacfully sleeping beacuse of the late night she had yesterday after talking on the phone to her two best friends jazzi and razan about what will happen today.

yuma dalal yalla goomay 3ashan yamdeech itroo7een il saloon oo itizahabain 7ag ilyom.

dalal: hmm

mama: daloola yalla goomay.

dalal: hmmph inzain yuma kany ga3at walla ga3at.

mama: ee 5osh yala goomay roo7ay '3aslay oo ta3alay ikleelich ligma 3ashan ba3dain itroo7en il salon.

dalal: ok il7een agoom.

mama: yalla ya bnayti la it6awleen.

dalal: emm

just like that thier conversation ended and dalals mother ( fa6ma) left the room thinking that her daughter dalal got up to get ready.

30 minuites later fa6ma came to check on dalal and see whats taking her so long.

mama: ouf dalal yalla goomay ma gimtay tara ma yamdeech ana a3arfich it6awleen 3alla ma itizahabain. YALLA GOOMAY.
she said as she opened the curtains to let the sun in and walked to dalals bed and pulled the covers . and pushed dalal off the bed.

dalal: AAAY yuma laish itga3deeny chithy tara walla itha ga3adtiny ib hedoo2 chan ga3at mn zimaan.

mama: yalla roo7ay zain. wana sarly sina shga3ad asawy. allah iy3een ily ibya5thich. shlon ibyista7mil nomich hath il.......

suddenly dalal gasped cutting her mothers sentence remembering what today was: yuma laish ma ga3adteeny mn zeman.
and just like that dalal quickly jumped of the floor and ran to the bathroom.

fa6ma started laughing and headed towards the door while saying: walla ya yumma law adry ina hal kilmitain biygadoonich chan mn ziman gaylathom.

Dalal rushed out of the bathroom towards her closet.
waay ana shlon nisait ina ilyom fee nass biyoona oo ya56iboony 7ag waladhoom m7amad.

dalal grabed her pink juicy training with a white t-shirt and put it on and grabbed her brown h&m cross bag and her car keys, and phone after checking it she found 3 missed calls and 1 message, 2 missed calls were from her best friend Jazzi and one was from her other best friend Razan. the message was also from Razan saying that she and jazzi will be coming over to her house to help her get ready after she is done with the saloon.
she ran down the stairs and headed towards the door when her mother stopped her

(mama) fa6ma: haw dalal ta3alay ikleelich ligma gabel la ti6li3een.

dalal replied quickly in a hurry: la yumma ma yamdee ba3dain lama arid mn il salon akil shay ma3a jazzi o razan.

fa6ma started laughing at her daughter while saying: 5ala9 roo7ay allah iy7afthich.

dalal blew her mother kisses and ran out of the door to her car.
Dalal ran to her touareg got in, switched it on, turned the radio on and headed to the saloon.

inshalla hal 5i6ba it9eer 3alla 5air moo mithil kil il baji lana 5ala9 ta3abt many 3arfa laish kill mara wa7ed iyee iyshoofny oo ba3dain iyhawen 3ogob ib cham week walla 3omy 7ata malacht oo 7ata 6ala3t ma3a ay wa7ed minhoom 3ashan iy3arfeny oo ma ya3jiba ay shay feeny.. walla many 3arfa laish killa nafs il shay iy9eer feni. itha hatha ba3ad rifathny many shayfa ay wa7ed '3aira 5ala9 ma aby atzawaj. lana 5ala9 ma 9arat hatha 4th wa7id iyeeny in the past year oo yarfithny. hmmph walla many 3arfa shil salfa. bas inshalla ya rab ilyom iytim 3ala 5air.

suddenly dalal started laughing remembering the way her mother woke her up.

so let me tell you about my self. my name is dalal well obviously you already know that and im 20 years old and i am starting my seconed year of university at auk. i have 1 sister, Dana she is 26 years old and she is married to yousif and they have 2 children a boy mishary who is 4 and a half years old, and a baby girl layan who is 2 years old. i also have two brothers 7amani who is older then me, he is 24 and is in his last year of university, he studies in a university in maimi, i know u might think he is too old for university but thats because he took a year of after he graduated from high school to travel with his friends and look for universities abroad. my other brother 3azooz who just turned 18 years old and is starting his first year in university at auk. so me and 3azooz are in the same university.

let me tell u guys what i look like, well im not too tall and not to short so im considered average. i have long wavy dark brown hair that goes up to the half of my back, big round dark brown eyes that everyone says are gorgous and a long nose that matches my big full pinkish lips. i was fit and i did not need to lose or gain any weight. im not going to call myself  hot, cute, pretty or anything but people ussually say that im mamloo7a and attractive.

i finally reached the saloon and got my hair done into big wavy curls just like the picture except my hair was darker.

on the way back home i called up razan and jazzi to inform then that im heading back home and that they should come as soon as possible because it was almost 5pm and the people were coming after the 3isha prayer.

you see today some people are coming over with thier son to ask for my hand in marrige and so that we could meet each other because i dont know the guy i only know that his name is m7amad and as my parents say he is a really good guy and i dont have a problem with that, because i dont mind and i also believe that love could came after marrige.

let me tell you why im very nervous. well thats because for the past year as i said before people came and asked for my hand in marrige and then once they see me and decided that we will go on to the milcha or even before that i get rejected after a week or two. i dont even know why ya3ny itha ga3ad yis2iloon il nass 3any ana som3ity wayeed zaina. i have never been in a relationship, well except this once i was in a relationship with a guy called Jasim and im sure mara7 iy6ale3 kalam 3any lana i believe that he still loves me and wants the best for me.

il tell you a little bit about our story well it all started from our last year of high school when he told me that he loves me and our relationship started from then, i was 18 at the time, we were in a relationship for a year and 4 months, after we graduated from high school we decided to attend the same university so we were both in auk. we loved each other to death and nothing could seprate us from each other, but later on that year we broke up during our seconed course in university of our first year because he said that he does not deserve me and that i deserve better and that his dad is making him transfer his papers to study in london for university as its better then auk and he doesnt have a say in this situation and that he is not worth waiting for. i was so devestated o kanat 7alty 7ala yom we broke up. so he left and we lost contact ever since. i dont believe him i know theirs something wrong but he didnt tell me im so sure of that because im sure i saw tears in his eyes when we broke up. he told me to carry on with my life and if wild il 7alal yany ma arfitha 3ashanna. i still dont get what he meant when he said that. i wash crushed for the next year but then razan and jazzi managed to cheer me up and helped me carry on with my life, and they told me that hes not worth what im doing to myself.

once i got home i went and sat in the living room with my parents and ate a sandwich as i have not eaten for the whole day, while waiting for razan and jazzi.

"beep" text message from jazzi
were here come and open the door.

i left the living room and opened the door and greeted jazzi and razan and headed to my room.

dalal: waay 7ady 5ayfa hatha ba3ad ba3dain yarfithny walla 7ady ta3a8at mn il wath3 many 3arfa laish yarfithoony. and at the same time many 3arfa laish i dont want it to happen because i still love jassim and theres still a place in my heart for him that no one else can take. 

jazzi: 7abeebti dalal 5ala9 jassim is the one that told you to carry on with your life stop looking back maybe m7amad is going to turn out to be better then jassim. i seriously dont know why you still care for him he broke your heart... enough of this talk.

dalal: ok what if m7amad is better then jassim but then he rejects me like all the others.

razan: waay you guys stop thinking my brain is going to burst from all this thinking cheer up... lets just hope for the best. 
she started singing tik tok and dancing around me to cheer me up. this girl really knows how to change the mood.

dalal smiled and joined razan while thinking i hope so.

ok so out of the 3 of us Jazzi is the one that has got the brains and is the wisest. well for her looks she is a bit shorter then me and is quit chubby. she has big hazel eyes, straight brown hair thats up to her shoulders, a small nose and matching small lips. she was very pretty but and malami7ha wayeed 7ilwa she would look very cute if she lost weight.
as for Razan she is the one with the crazy idea's and i was always a supporter of her ideas. we do the craziest things while jazzi shouts at us and sometimes joins us. she is the prettiest out of the three of us her grandmother from her mothers side is spanish thats why she has got colored eyes and light hair. she was taller then me and had the most gorgeus face. her eyes are big and dark grey. she has a small nose, and full lips. as for her hair she had very light brown/ hazel curly hair thats up to the half of her hack. she is simply gorgous. she is currently in a relationship with marzoog. il tell you more about her relationship later on in the story.

the girls started with the make up. it was light smokey not too overdone with red lipstick i didnt need any blush because my cheaks are naturally pink and im sure my mum is going to say something that embarreses me so im going to turn as red as a tomato.  

after the girls were done with my make up i put on a black body under the dress because i thought it was too open from the top, and then slipped into my dress and wore my chanel lulu earings that had their logo dangling down and the matching neckless. and came out of the closet room to show the girls.

my dress was just like the one in the picture:

razan: why why.. why are you wearing a body under the dress its not like your boobs will show.

dalal: chub its the first time i see him oo a6la3la imfa9a5a.

suddenly my bedroom door opened and my mum came in.

razan: 5alti shoofay bintich labsa body ta7t il dress.

i gave her a stare.

mama: ee walla ya mama. roo7ay fi95ee oo libsay il dress broo7a shda3wa moo wayed maftoo7.

dalal: yummmmaa. asti7y, fashla oo ma ra7 arta7 lama ag3ad ma3a itha fi9a5ta.

mama: 5ayfa ya3ny sadrich iybayeen, marada biyshoofa.
and she started laughing along with razan and jazzi.

i turned red while saying: yummmma 5ala9. mabe af9a5 il body.

mama: 5ala9 5ala9 ma gilna shay 3ala ra7tich 7abeebti.

just dana my sister came in

dana: allah allah.. bs laish ta7t il dress labs.....

i cut her sentence because i knew what she was going to say.

dalal: kaify kaify 5ala9 tara athaitoony. ay a7ad thany iygool ay shay 3an il body many nazla zaain.

they all started laughing.

mama: la ma7ad biygool shay oo ibtanzileen.

just then the doorbell rand and my mum and dana went to greet them.

meanwhile i was on my nerves. while watching t.v in my room with the girls.

dalal: waaay shakli zain il make-up 7iloo, a5af  a6ee7 il ka3ab wayed 3alii...

jazzi: baaaaaaaas. your fine maku shay '3ala6 yalla ta3alay gi3day oo chubay.

dalal: ok

after 2 minutes of silence

razan: dalal tara lama tanzileen i7na ibni6la3 ok.

dalal: laish. why dont you sleep over.

jazzi: la2 naby inroo7 il maktaba i want the samra magazine to see pics of the ma3rath we participated in last week.

dalal: oo sa7 saweroona. ok.

the door opened and the maid came in informing me that i should go down.

i walked to the stairs with shaky legs and walked down the stairs then ran back up because i forgot to spray some purfume.

razan: waay yumma shfeech yayatna rakith?? akeed jaikar...

dalal: laaaa2 allah laygoola. i forgot to spray purfume.

i spayed purfume and walked down half of the stairs then i ran back up.

Jazzi: dalool shfeech??

i started walking around the room

dalal: omg omg omg 7ady 5ayfa maby anzil.

razan: 3ayal tabeena ohwa iyeelich fog... ee a7san iyeelcih foog.. bs a5af itsawoon shay.. hahaha

dalal: ya7marra moo wagtich weya ur stupid jokes.

jazzi: yalla nizlay.

dalal: a5af ba3ad hatha yarfithny

jazzi and razan both gave me a stare so i left.

i walked to the stairs when i suddenly ran back to my room finding jazzi and razan at the door ready to leave.

jazzi: waay yumma il7een shfeech.

dalal: hehe.. hmmm.. shakli zain.

razan: ya 7mara yala nizlay.

and just like that they dragged me down the stairs and left from the back door.

and stopped at the big door of the salla and peeked in when my mum cought me peeking

mama: dalal shfeech wagfa ta3alay.


inshalla u liked the start, tell me what you think of it and please please please comment and tell me what you think.

omg now i know what u guys mean when u say it takes a while to write a post. walla its so hard and i keep changing thinks. bs inshalla u liked it.
oo exuse me for the spelling mistakes and everything lana maly 5ilg i re-check everything.. 
untill next time!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bored ;r

7adddy zahganna oo kilish makoo shi'3il oo no one is online and no one is home my parents imsafreen this weekend oo my 3 bros are all out fa bagreeg 3alla rooskoom 3alla ma adooo5 oo anam;p

1. im extremely bored out of my mind....

2. cant sleep

3. kan 3indena 3azeema s'3eera ib baitna yesterday before my parents iysafroon for the weekend oo the majority of the food was dessert cz every one that came yabaw ma3ahoom 2 types of dessert so now our dining room table malat 12 people is full of desserts.... taboony ashaheekoom hmm yummy... there were 2 dozens of molten cakes from chocolateness they are sooo yummy and 3 types of cake i dont realy know from where and home made geemat, love' n oven caramel 7iloo madry shisma, oo cupcakes from mr.baker and arabic sweets ily madry shiysamoonhom ily yakloonhom with the coffee, oo also my aunts home made cheese cake which is amaziiiing oo madry shno ba3ad... yummy shakliy baroo7 ayeebly mn ta7at...

4. Will Smiths family 3ajeebeen, everyone of them has a thing,
their daugter Willow smith who is 9 years old has a song. check out her song
o little son Jaden smith acts and was recently on the karate kid and also has a song with justin bieber,
oo thier older son Trey smith who is half thier brother beacuse hes from another mother plays american football oo i think he use to act im not sure...

5.i love the smell of Happy Spirit mal chopard.... 3ajeeeba ree7ta.

6. my favourite type of nail polish for french manicure and light colors is Essie ily yista5demona bl 9alonat, ibser3a yanshif oo its shiny, and it looks really natural.. and i love the Rimmel dark maroon, and the Chanel black, also the Mac dark purple and dark blue unglittery offcourse I HATE NAIL POLLISH THAT CONTAINS GLITTER...  uggh 6farty il glittery nail polish... in my opinion its WEEEE3..

7. my favourite movie of all time has got to be A walk to remember... kithir ma ashoofa ma amil mina oo kil marra lazem 3yoony itdamee3 bs ma abchy o i5wany yit6anazoon 3alay oo kila iygoolon ma itmileen mn hal film min kithir ma ashoofa, meta ma its on tv lazem ashoofa. i just love this movie..

8. i love disney cartoons especially the little mermaid and beauty and the beast and the lion king kint amoot 3alaih...

9. oo yeeah 3ala 6ary cartoons u have to see Finding anastasia 7adda 8adeem bs 3ajeeeeeeb its based on a true story in Russia ;D

10. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars i could really use a wish right now;p
hehe stuck in my head lana today i heard it in the car...

11. i wish i have a twin sister ;) walla a7is wanasa..

12. today i went to avenues with my friends... and nothing interesting happend except for the fact that i keep slipping..  i was wearing Aldo shoes oo walla iyzalgoon chithy laish in Aldo meta ma ashtiry jooty lazeem ya36oony ily it7i6oona ta7t il jooty 3ashan ma iy9eer iyzaleg.... a7ishom met3amdeen iysawoon thier shoes slippery 3ashan il nas yit6aroon yishtiroon il lazga oo they make extra profit... not that the lazga is expensive but still...

13. my legs are killing me;(

14. ay malls do u like in kuwait?? ana i love avenues, 360 and fanar.... i hate souq sharq a7isa ma feeh shay other than sultun centre... what about u guys?? or do u think that all the malls here are the same and u dont care...

15. Hiyaaa one of my brothers is back ;p hehe

16. ooo 3ala 6ary o5oy thak ilyom fizt 3ala o5oy ib Taken 6 ily on PS3... hehe walla kan shoo3oor 3ajeeb awal mara afooz 3ala one of my brothers ib shay fee 6ag on ps3... 

17.  in my last year of high school i never attended P.E classnot even once i either ditched it or i would write a note to the teacher or i would get a note from the doctor or just asta3bi6 3al teacher o agoola ma kint adry ilyom we have p.e or i forgot my p.e kit... lain my teacher wisal laih daraja ina when he does the register iygool ismy oo he doesnt check itha ana labsa my gym clothes or not so he didnt really care.. maskeen yi2aas miny kil week iyzifny oo ana wala chiina fa ma gam iygooly shay...even though i loved playing p.e i didnt participate in high school because it was always the first lesson or the thired so ma kan liy 5ilg abadil oo ba3dain i will be tierd for the rest of the day.... loool walla ayam 7ilwa high school;>

18. skiing is really hard madry shyaab il 6ary bs i just remembered i tries one oo i got a instucter oo i took one lesson oo karaht my instructer kaan wayeed tough oo my legs were killing me oo aby artaa7 bs ma kan iy5eleeny oo kan iysa3id my brother akthar miny oo ana 3a9abt oo karaht il fikra 5ala9 fa ba3dain i quit.. omg tara wayed sa3ab oo my instructur is annoying ma kan iy5aleeny ag3ad oo he did not know how to speek in english 3adill he keept shouting at me " do Pizza Pizza" or " French fries " hathail 7arakat to make u stop the skiis oo make u go faster... we3 lawa3 chabdy bl pizzza oo french

19. im not an athletic person but i love playing basketball beacuse its fun killa m5ama6 when we use to play in school ma3a il banat, and i love playing socer but im not any good...

20. the scariest movie i have ever seen was The amitiville of horrer beacuse its based on a true story... oo lana ana 5awafa other people dont find it as scary as i do... i love watching horrer movies but at the end i wouldnt be able to sleep with the lights off....

21. im watching i know what you did last summer now on tv...

22. i hate being alone 7adda malal oo its scary....

23. hmmmph ee ee sa7 i might start a story later on if i get more followers oo if i get an idea... i have something in mind but im still not sure about the idea..

24.... di5t mn hal garga banam.... 6awfooly any typoes oo spelling mistakes oo badliyat lana im not gonna check and re-read it.;)


Monday, October 18, 2010

His hair is, His cap at the same time...

no comment.....
bs walla 3indy cham soo2al ib 5a6ry as2al hal rayal....

shlon itha tisaba7... ya3ny his hair stays up willa it goes down oo ba3dain when it drys iyrid mithil gabel.... also min wain yatla il fikra il 3ab8ariya ily 5alita iysawy chithy ib sha3ra..... ;D how does he brush his hair or does he never brush his hair??! oo does it acctually cover his face from the sun??

so what do u guys think of his haircut?!?? is it going to be the next hair trend for 2011.... lol

Saturday, October 16, 2010

a lesson we should all learn from..:'(

Hatha email wi9aly a while ago oo gilt i wanna share it with you guys....
isim the email was Beautiful Lesson.

The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick,  she is  21 .  Next to her, fiancĂ©, Nick, 23.  
The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US.
Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.
In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of quimo to end.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss.

An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that ketie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well. The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see her son marrying his high school sweetheart.

Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube ,  listening to a song from her husband and friends.

At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain caused her to be powerless and caused her to be unable to stand up on her two feet for long periods.

Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a women so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think..... Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it last. We should stop making our lives complicated. 

 Life is short
Break the rules

 forgive quickly

kiss passionately, love truly

laugh constantly

And never stop smiling no matter how strange and hard life gets

Life is not always the party we expected it to be

but as long as we are here, we should smile and be grateful.

all i can say is il7amdilla for the life that i have got...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Akbar chathab... mithla 3omry ma shift!! :D

allah iysalimkoom hathal tahawishaw bl game chan wa7id yikfa5 il thany oo ily in6ag gam iymathil ina il 6aga 8awiya oo 6a7 3al arth min 8owatha bs ta2a5ar bl 6ai7a........ kaaak walla 9aida

Ana shayfa wayeeeed nas iychathboon oo iysawoon 7arakat bs mithil hatha 3omri ma shift.......... loool
oo iymathil ba3ad...

hope u enjoyed it
comment please tell me what u think of this liar...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wedding cake looks like the Bride

OMG moo 9iiiiiiiiiiij aby ib 3irsy a cake of me.....

bs walla the cake mathboo6a 7adha tishbah the bride even her hair oo her dress waaaaaaaaaaaaay itwaneees;r

bs why does the bride look mad...... walla shakilha im3a9ba

Monday, October 11, 2010

3omirkom in7a6aitaw ib maw8if 5ayis chithy?!!

lool walla i laughed so much when i first saw this.... ana walla 3omry 9ar feeny chithy ila i think this one time yom kint 7addy mitfashla min maw8ef 9ar:

I was at mcdonalds with my friend and it was very crowded and we were at the end of the long line.
my friends sister is married to this guy that has an identicat twin brother oo 7adhom yishbehoon ba3ath... so mn b3eed my friend spotted her sisters husband with his two friends oo ohwa kan at the front of the line so galat 5anroo7 3inda oo ingoola ya6liblina oo we will give him the money....

so we went up to him and my friend poked  his shoulder while her head is down oo she is searching through her bag for her purse oo galat
"salam m7amad shlonik? please 3ady ta6liblena lana 7ada za7ma o chithy bin6awil..."
chan she looks up at him oo shafat ina ohwa shakla masik tha7kita so she gasped o jumped backwords... chan nistaw3ib ina hatha moo rayil i5tha hatha 6ila3 his twin brother oo ohwa gam yith7ak ma3a his friends 3alaina oo i7na weyoohna iglibat sarat 7amraa... 
chan agoola 
" sorry 3abalina inta m7amad "
chan iygool " la 3ady wayed it9eer ma3ay " oo he smiled chan i7na inlif naby inrid wara bl line chan iygool " wain ray7een... shno taboon ta6liboon " chan my friend itgoola
 " la2 3ady i7na na6lib ma atwa8a3 iy6awloon "
bass ohwa lazam ina he orders for us lana wayed za7ma ooo il wakt ta2a5ar oo foog kil hatha he didnt let us give him money for the food.

bs walla intaw la itshoofoon weyoohna shlon sarat 7amara oo kina 7adna mitfashleen oo rab3a kanaw yith7ikoon 3alaiyna...

waaay walla hal maw8if ma atwa8a3 3omry ra7 ansa.. walla ana wayed it9eer feny ashabih 3alla a7ad.... :s

itha 9ayir ma3akom maw8if chithy min gabel share it with us if u want to ;p

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hii :D
im a new blogger as u can all see... i decided to creat a blog because i was so inspired by lots of bloggers and also to fill my free time..
so i hope u like it..
i will post some random posts soon inshalla..