mafeeny garga so enjoy ;D
* i was thinkin about her thinking about me thinking about us, what we gonna be open my eyes, it was only just a dream, so i travel back......*
dalals phone was ringing nonstop and she didnt feel a thing..
fajour: saktay ur phone..
it was still ringing so dalal dug her hand under her pillow and answered the phone without checking the caller she just pressed the green button..
i shut the phone and put it under my pillow again ready to take a snooze. 15 mins wont hurt..
jazzi: mno?
one jazzi went to the bathroom all the girls went back to sleep since its 9:30 and they went to sleep really late last night..
jazzi went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth did her business and came out only to find the girls still sleeping.. so she pulled all their blankets and threw them out of the room so they wake up.
jazzi got changed and razzan finished her business then got changed.. fajour was awake but she was still laying in bed while dalal and reem were still sleeping even though jazzi took their bankets and annoyed them they were very heavy sleepers..
jazzi and razzan went downstairs and greeted the guys
razzan: 5ala9 3ayal agolaha itsaweelna pancakes..
3laiwi: 5oush
razzan told the maid to make them pancakes then joined the group in the living room..
rakan: 3ayal wain reemo, oo dalool, oo fajour..
rakan: hahaaai reemo ba3ad noumha thgeel..
fai9al: 3ad fajour yabeelaha sa3a 3ala ma itgoom.. ihya tig3ad bs ba3dain ma itgoom, tig3ad ib frash'ha ni9 sa3a ba3dain itgoom mn mokanha..
3laiwi: imsh, imsh 5al nroo7 inga3idhom..
rakan: haha yalla..
3azooz: intaw roo7aw ana oo f9ail ga3deen..
rakan: yalla, bs wain naymeen?
so rakan and 3laiwi went upstairs to wake the girls up.. 3ady since rakan and 3laiwi are their cousins and their very close.
they entered the room and found fajour ga3da oo mitrab3a 3ala frash'ha oo ma36iyathom thaharha shes looking out the window.. while reem and dalool are sleeping without blankets on the floor..
rakan: hahaai 7amdilla wil shikir.. intay shitsaween oo hathail laish naymeen 3al arth on the matress.. ya3ny maku rooms '3air hathi..
3laiwi: hahaaa
fajour turned around and looked at rakan and 3laiwi with no expression on her face..
rakan: bismillah il ra7man il ra7eem..
3laiwi: a3othoo bil laah.... shno shayfa yiny..
fajour smiled: laish shfeeny..
3laiwi: laa salamtich bas wayhich oo sha3rich moo 9ij..
rakan: haahaa adry bas wanasa in7athifkom ib ma5adat..
3laiwi and rakan were still running around collecting pillows and throwing them at reem and dalal..
reem and dalal got up and grabbed all the pillows that were thrown at them and started throwing them at the guys..
3laiwi: badlaw oo ta3alaw ta7at tirayigaw
*he shouted then ran out the room with rakan and slammed the door behined them leaving reem and dalal..*
they washed up then changed and went down to find everyone sitting in the living room..
3azooz: haha shinsawey intaw ily madry shlon ma itgoumoon.
3azooz: shda3wa 7aram 3laik hatha bas itha kilish moo nayem 3adil..
the breakfast was ready so they all got up and ate breakfast, after they finished the guys went out to get the jet skis ready while the girls went up stairs to get changed.. they all got into their bikinis then wore their shorts and japanese cut t-shirts on top.. then they went outside to the jet skis and started fighting over who is going to be with who.. since there were only 4 jet skis..
fai9al: uff 5ala9 ana akbar wa7id feekom oo ana ba8asimkom.. since we are 9 and there are only 4 jet skis each 2 on a jet and on one jet there will be 3 girls..
after getting ready they all hopped onto the jet skis and started having fun and splashing around the sea..
rakan: hahaa, lets race..
3laiwi: ee yalla
they all lined up.. the girls jet razzan was driving, the second jet rakan was driving, third jet 3azooz was driving, and the last jet fai9al was driving..
fai9al: bs the losers go and get us lunch from macdo..
rakan: mashi yalla until that red ball..
and off they went... they were all very close and behind each other with fai9al and 3laiwi in the lead followed by 3azooz and dalool then rakan and reem, and finally the girls..
suddenly 3azooz and dalals jet was slowing down until it fully stopped..
3azooz: LAAA2.. hatha shfeeh..
rakan and reem went passed them. reem: hahaa suckers..
razzan and the girls also went passed them fajour: haa i guess we know whos getting us lunch today..
rakan: hahaai yal 5asraan..
3azooz: 3ayal reem weyay
rakan: okay 3ayal ana weya fai9al, willa banat taboon it'3ayroon
so they all switched..
dalal was driving and 3laiwi was sitting behined her. whispering into her ear
3laiwi: haa so shlonich?
dalal: good.. hehe ya3ny china taw shayifny..
3laiwi: haha shasawy.. yalla doosay.. * and he rapped his arms around my waist hugging me tightly close to his body*
after a while everyone was having fun..
3laiwi: yalla ana basoog..
3laiwi started speeding really fast and doing crazy things..
so dalal hugged 3laiwi real hard so he stops which he eventually did so she losend her grip around his torso.. so he speed up a little more..
3laiwi: haaa limeeny 7ail tara i will go faster and doo crazier things..
dalal: ok oks 5ala9.. * and she tightened her grip around his torso*
they were all having fun and messing around.. when they got tired they went back to the shore and sat on the sand resting and chatting.. after a while they got back on the jet skis for another hour then they decided that they will have lunch....
akeed there are thousands of mistakes lana i didnt re-check mali 5ulg aslan zain mina ina i put colors in...
hope you liked it..
love you;p nighty night..
* i was thinkin about her thinking about me thinking about us, what we gonna be open my eyes, it was only just a dream, so i travel back......*
dalals phone was ringing nonstop and she didnt feel a thing..
fajour: DALOOOL GOMAAY SAKTAY UR PHONE *annoyed because she didnt get enough sleep*
dalal: hmmm..fajour: saktay ur phone..
it was still ringing so dalal dug her hand under her pillow and answered the phone without checking the caller she just pressed the green button..
dalal: hmm.
3laiwi (their cousin remember): Well good morning to you too..dalal: eeem.
3laiwi: ashkara naymeen.. yalla goomaw i7na il7een bniyee bl jetat..dalal: ok..
3laiwi: 5 mins and we will be here..dalal: hmm..ok ok
3laiwi: byei shut the phone and put it under my pillow again ready to take a snooze. 15 mins wont hurt..
jazzi: mno?
dalal: 3laiwi iygool il7een biyoon bl jetat..
jazzi: 3ayal laish bitnameen... YALLA GOOMAW..
she got up and opened the curtains..jazzi: RISE AND SHINE.
reem: hmm bs shway ba3ad please..
jazzi: NO YALLA GOOMAWrazzan: ok ok intay bas roo7ay il 7amam and finish ur business oo i7na bingoom..
jazzi: OK YALLA GOOMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW..fajour: sta'3faralla sra5 mn il sib7 jazzi please..
fajour: please do take your time..
one jazzi went to the bathroom all the girls went back to sleep since its 9:30 and they went to sleep really late last night..
jazzi went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth did her business and came out only to find the girls still sleeping.. so she pulled all their blankets and threw them out of the room so they wake up.
fajour: HMMM.. BAAS.
dalal: HAAAArazzan: walla ma tadreen shkithir i hate you now 3alla hal 7araka..
no one answered herrazzan: screw u guys.. fine i will go.
jazzi: haha walla inich film yalla ana babadil..
jazzi got changed and razzan finished her business then got changed.. fajour was awake but she was still laying in bed while dalal and reem were still sleeping even though jazzi took their bankets and annoyed them they were very heavy sleepers..
fajour: inzain baas 5ala9..
jazzi and razzan went downstairs and greeted the guys
razzan: so shno taboon agool 7ag lachmi itsaweelina?
3azooz: 3ady ayshay..razzan: 5ala9 3ayal agolaha itsaweelna pancakes..
3laiwi: 5oush
razzan told the maid to make them pancakes then joined the group in the living room..
rakan: 3ayal wain reemo, oo dalool, oo fajour..
jazzi: madri chena g3edaw..
3azooz: beeeh 3ad dalool noumha moo bas thgeel.. i5ty oo 6al3a 3alay..haharakan: hahaaai reemo ba3ad noumha thgeel..
fai9al: 3ad fajour yabeelaha sa3a 3ala ma itgoom.. ihya tig3ad bs ba3dain ma itgoom, tig3ad ib frash'ha ni9 sa3a ba3dain itgoom mn mokanha..
3laiwi: imsh, imsh 5al nroo7 inga3idhom..
rakan: haha yalla..
3azooz: intaw roo7aw ana oo f9ail ga3deen..
rakan: yalla, bs wain naymeen?
razzan: bl blue room awal ma you go upstairs the first room to the right..
rakan: okso rakan and 3laiwi went upstairs to wake the girls up.. 3ady since rakan and 3laiwi are their cousins and their very close.
they entered the room and found fajour ga3da oo mitrab3a 3ala frash'ha oo ma36iyathom thaharha shes looking out the window.. while reem and dalool are sleeping without blankets on the floor..
rakan: hahaai 7amdilla wil shikir.. intay shitsaween oo hathail laish naymeen 3al arth on the matress.. ya3ny maku rooms '3air hathi..
3laiwi: hahaaa
fajour turned around and looked at rakan and 3laiwi with no expression on her face..
rakan: bismillah il ra7man il ra7eem..
3laiwi: a3othoo bil laah.... shno shayfa yiny..
fajour smiled: laish shfeeny..
3laiwi: laa salamtich bas wayhich oo sha3rich moo 9ij..
fajour: maytha7ik.. int shouf hathail ily naymeen 3al arth..ana baroo7 a'3asil oo abadil..
dalal: way3a inas moo chithy iyga3doon mn siba7 allah 5air..
rakan and 3laiwi were running around the room shouting "goomaw" and collecting pillows, then they threw all the pillows real hard at reem and dalal..dalal: BAAAS 5ALA9 KAA GIMNA GIMNA..
reem: oooooh baas. rakan: haahaa adry bas wanasa in7athifkom ib ma5adat..
3laiwi and rakan were still running around collecting pillows and throwing them at reem and dalal..
reem and dalal got up and grabbed all the pillows that were thrown at them and started throwing them at the guys..
3laiwi: badlaw oo ta3alaw ta7at tirayigaw
*he shouted then ran out the room with rakan and slammed the door behined them leaving reem and dalal..*
they washed up then changed and went down to find everyone sitting in the living room..
reem: rakanoo walla la awareek.. kil youm baga3dik mithil ma ga3atna ilyom..
rakan: beeeh 3ad il7een shiyfukny minha..3azooz: haha shinsawey intaw ily madry shlon ma itgoumoon.
dalal: 3adaal.. 3azooz inta noumik athgal min noumy..
3laiwi: oooh 3ad ib hatha your right.. 3azooz itha nam shiyga3da..lazem itkit 3alaih glass mai barid..3azooz: shda3wa 7aram 3laik hatha bas itha kilish moo nayem 3adil..
the breakfast was ready so they all got up and ate breakfast, after they finished the guys went out to get the jet skis ready while the girls went up stairs to get changed.. they all got into their bikinis then wore their shorts and japanese cut t-shirts on top.. then they went outside to the jet skis and started fighting over who is going to be with who.. since there were only 4 jet skis..
fai9al: uff 5ala9 ana akbar wa7id feekom oo ana ba8asimkom.. since we are 9 and there are only 4 jet skis each 2 on a jet and on one jet there will be 3 girls..
reem: laa2 may9eer il 3 girls.. laish moo intaw..
fai9al: because i get to decide.. fa il 3 reem, razzan, oo fajour....reem: ana maby bl jet ily feeh 3..
jazzi: iff 5ala9 ana weya razzan oo fajour..
fai9al: ok.. 3ayal ana weya 3laiwi oo 3azooz weya dalool, oo a5eran rakanoo weya reem.reem: hiyaa yalla *and she ran toward the jet skis..*
fai9al: la7tha, la7tha.... yalla kil wa7da ta5ith life jacket willa maku jet ski..after getting ready they all hopped onto the jet skis and started having fun and splashing around the sea..
rakan: hahaa, lets race..
3laiwi: ee yalla
they all lined up.. the girls jet razzan was driving, the second jet rakan was driving, third jet 3azooz was driving, and the last jet fai9al was driving..
fai9al: bs the losers go and get us lunch from macdo..
rakan: mashi yalla until that red ball..
razzan: yalla one, two, three..
and off they went... they were all very close and behind each other with fai9al and 3laiwi in the lead followed by 3azooz and dalool then rakan and reem, and finally the girls..
suddenly 3azooz and dalals jet was slowing down until it fully stopped..
3azooz: LAAA2.. hatha shfeeh..
rakan and reem went passed them. reem: hahaa suckers..
razzan and the girls also went passed them fajour: haa i guess we know whos getting us lunch today..
dalal: laa2 may9eer il jet ski madry shfeeh faj2a wogaf 3alaina..
3azooz got the jet ski back working then chased them.. but he was too late so they lost meaning that they will be getting the lunch from mcdonalds today..rakan: hahaai yal 5asraan..
dalal: laa2 walla il jet wigaf 3alaina..
fai9al: ee, ee 5air inshalla..dalal: haw walla..
3laiwi: yalla 5al inbadil partners..dalal ityee weyay..3azooz: 3ayal reem weyay
rakan: okay 3ayal ana weya fai9al, willa banat taboon it'3ayroon
fajour: ee ana bayee weyakom..
so they all switched..
dalal was driving and 3laiwi was sitting behined her. whispering into her ear
3laiwi: haa so shlonich?
dalal: good.. hehe ya3ny china taw shayifny..
3laiwi: haha shasawy.. yalla doosay.. * and he rapped his arms around my waist hugging me tightly close to his body*
dalal: shda3wa 3laiwi 5ayif it6ee7..
3laiwi: laa2 walhan 3alaich..dalal: ee il try believing that..haha
after a while everyone was having fun..
3laiwi: yalla ana basoog..
dalal: ok
so they switched3laiwi started speeding really fast and doing crazy things..
as was 3azooz he was scaring reem by doing crazy things..dalal: AAAAAAH YA 7MAAR STOP..
3laiwi: hahaha... *mayit thi7ik*dalal: LAAA2 3LAIWI..
3laiwi: haha limeeny 7ail 7ail la it6ee7een..dalal: ITHA MA TABEENY A6EE7 THEN STOOOP..
3laiwi: hahaai limeeny 7aaaaail and i will dalal hugged 3laiwi real hard so he stops which he eventually did so she losend her grip around his torso.. so he speed up a little more..
3laiwi: haaa limeeny 7ail tara i will go faster and doo crazier things..
dalal: ok oks 5ala9.. * and she tightened her grip around his torso*
they were all having fun and messing around.. when they got tired they went back to the shore and sat on the sand resting and chatting.. after a while they got back on the jet skis for another hour then they decided that they will have lunch....
akeed there are thousands of mistakes lana i didnt re-check mali 5ulg aslan zain mina ina i put colors in...
hope you liked it..
love you;p nighty night..