Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!! ;D


So today is 01/01/2011 ;p
So here is the begining of a fresh new start!!
inshalla itkoun sinat 5air 3alaina kilina..
and i wish you all the best ;D

i know, i know long time no post... but i have been busy with family cz we had 2 weddings and ive been also busy with uni work bs inshalla il post soon;D maybe today at night///

So what did you guys do?? i heard there was a huge thing at fridays i think!!

i7na kina mityam3een bl mo5ayam all of my family uncles aunts and cousins!! wanasa buggiyat and motorbikes and games and everything you do bl 

Wish you all the best of luck
love you all Noona;**


  1. Happy New Year!!:D
    awal shay , kl 3am w inty b5air w 3asach mn el 3aydeen

    Me and my family , we went to burj 5laifa (btw i am from uae:D), we watched all the fireworks and it was so nice , the fireworks were all over the burj, and it was alot of fireworks it was so nice and we loved it there, and by the burj were fountains it was wonderful,and by the fountains there were restuarnts so went and ate at one of them.

    and post soon!!

    Towphie S

  2. manoosh: thanks 7abeebti;*

    Geisha ;*: thank you 7uby;p

    Towphie s: 7ayalla ahal il emarat kilihom;p
    allah wanasa shift on tv some of the fireworks and celebrations in the uae shakla 7adda iywanes..
    inshalla im writing a post today if i finish writing it today il post it;p

  3. Allah y7ayeech ..

    bs 9dg 9dg wanasa :D ..

    Towphie S
